Februar 2013

32 degrees above zero, my LC-A and a heavy heavy light leak | 32 Grad, meine LC-A und ein heftiges 'Licht-Leck' Place: Torre dei Lamberti, Piazza dell'Erbe, Verona, Italy ...

Poor fella | Armes Kerlchen Start your dayWRONG. ...

First: Forgive me, for this is not a Lomo-pic :O It's a composing of a rather old, mirrored + silhouetted photo with lots of coloured layers, scratches and bokeh dots (the blurry ones). It was part of a semester project back at uni. Underneath I wrote:...

Er kommt alle Jahre wieder, der Valentinstag. Eigentlich ein Tag wie jeder andere. Oder? Here it is, year after year: Valentine's Day. Just as good as any other day. Right?

Donnerstag, 14. Feburar: | Thursday, February 14:

Morgens aufwachen. | Waking up. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xfMWJi4req4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Merken, dass man alleine im Bett liegt. | Realizing that you're alone in your bed. https://open.spotify.com/track/18VJCm4CqelMDOOilohW8i Die Toastbrotscheibe in Herzform schneiden. | Cutting your toast into the shape of a heart. https://open.spotify.com/track/49FYP5yOpKp6AbXrKCpR6N An vergangene Valentinstage denken. | Thinking of past Valentines. https://open.spotify.com/track/06DoJhNVUDCVZEukDJItRz Zuviel Zahnpasta im Mund. | Too much toothpaste in your mouth. https://open.spotify.com/track/4BAWCedKFfdwxPFmFv4DMG