Juni 2012

Ginge es nach Pustefix, wäre ich diesen Sonntag nicht hier, sondern beim Hurricane Festival. Um diese Uhrzeit wahrscheinlich noch im stickigen Zelt, in dem es entweder gefühlte 40 Grad sein oder welches gerade zum Floß umfunktionieren würde, wahrscheinlich sogar beides in abwechselnder Reihenfolge. Es gibt unheimlich...

Here I was, staying up all night to take some surreal shots of the day that never ends. Midsummer-feeling was supposed be on here today. At least that’s what I thought until the rain set in with big black clouds covering the still blue sky....

Back in my day (ages really:), when I started travelling, there weren't many, if any, blogs around that could have provided me with useful, first-hand tips about any of my future destinations, or even influenced me on the choice of country itself. Times have certainly changed...
